Saturday, April 13, 2013

Japanese Technology is Amazing

The ever so talented toilet seat
The first thing you notice in Japan, usually before you get out of the airport, are the amazing toilet seats.  These seats can wash you front and/or back at varying pressure and, if you like, they can dry you.  If you don't care for others to hear you while you are on the pot, you can play recordings of toilets flushing to muffle your sounds.  And, of course the toilet seats are heated!  I priced them up the street here and they range from $200 - $1,000.

Even the port-a-potties are hooked into the sewer and water systems so they are clean and fresh.  (Port-a-potties were set up at most parks when we first got here to accommodate local Japanese flocking to parks to view the cherry blossoms, they have all bee removed now).
Port-a-potties plumbed with water and sewage disposal
 Scott's office came with a shredder that can also shred CDs and camera cards!
Don't know what to do with old CDs...shred them!

If your driveway is too small to turn around in, you'll need a garage turn-table.  Pull in forward, rotate yourself around and you are ready to pull out forward. 
Parking turn table
My favorite (well, actually the toilet seats are my favorite) is the reticulating parking structures.  These are like a vending machine.  The system will put your car where most convenient based on how long you will be away.  There are "parking spots" below ground too.
High density parking - the spots reticulate according to how long you will be gone
About half the women in our neighborhood have electric assist bicycles.  They wear high-heeled shoes and schlep the kids around with the help of a pug-in lithium battery.  I definitely want one!!

Most have room to safely haul all the kids!
Seatbelts and everything
Removable bike battery

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I really want one of those toilets! I see a button with a musical note on it. does it play music, or is that the flushing white noise?
